The 15th World Congress of Semiotics – Guidelines for Panel Convenors
Dear Panel Convenor(s),
It’s been more than four months since the Call for paper abstract submission has started so ideally you should have by now received a number of submissions. The number of submissions you will receive is bound to increase as we are getting closer to the end of the deadline, which is March 31, 2022. I take, therefore, the opportunity to remind you of some points regarding your tasks.
Publicizing your panel
Till now close to 5.000 unique users have visited the Congress website and been informed above the range of the panels offered. However, communicating directly with colleagues you know about their research interests is far more effective. So, please feel free to promote your panel utilizing your academic and social media networks to ensure greater visibility and impact.
Evaluating the abstracts
Evaluate the abstracts you receive based on their relevance to the panel’s theme and semiotic problematics. Please inform the authors about your decision to accept or reject their abstracts as swiftly as possible since, in the event of acceptance, authors need to make their registration and travel/hotel arrangements in time.
Arranging the panel sessions
Each panel will be subdivided into sessions of 4 speakers (lasting a total of 120 minutes) or 5 speakers (lasting a total of 150 minutes). Each participant will have a maximum of 20 minutes for presenting his/her paper and 10 minutes for discussion. Panel conveners are advised to take into account the Congress Program Schedule when arranging the sessions’ sequence and the order of paper presentations in their panel.
Papers’ language
In the event that authors choose to present their papers in a language other than English please suggest to them to accompany their presentation with a .pptx in English, as this will certainly facilitate greater and easier attendance.
Session chair-persons
Panel convenors are expected to personally chair their panel’s different sessions to ensure their knowledgeable contribution to the ensuing discussion. In panels with 2 or 3 convenors, this responsibility is expected to be shared among them. When there is only 1 convenor for a multi-session panel, though, s/he can always ask an appropriately qualified colleague to assist.
Submitting your panel information
As soon as the deadline for paper abstract submission is over, you are expected to send a full description of your panel to the Program Coordinator (Prof. Maria Papadopoulou). Please use the attached form to make sure you provide all the necessary information.
Draft Congress Program
Based on the panel information forms you send us, we will proceed to prepare the draft Congress program which will be sent to you for approval towards the end of April 2022. The Organizing Committee expects to have the final Congress program uploaded on the Congress website by May 1, 2022.
Thank you all for your stimulating panel proposals and your vital contribution to the making of this Congress!
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica