Call for Papers – Remodeling Narrative Spaces: Semiotic Insights – Early Career Researchers Series of IASS-AIS
Early Career Researchers Series of IASS-AIS
Remodeling Narrative Spaces: Semiotic Insights –
Contemporary Semiotics: Research in five languages
Editorial series project
The main objective of this editorial project is the design, production and dissemination of current research being done by the network of early career researchers as members of the International Association for Semiotic Studies IASS-AIS in their various fields of professional and academic training. This project seeks to project the epistemic discussions and cultural exchanges that the network is fostering in the five continents of the world.
As part of this global scenario, early career researchers (ECR IASS-AIS) propose a fraternal dialogue with which they study the sense and meanings of everyday practices, to convene researchers with sensitivity and criticism of their current life condition.
For this reason, a group of ten researchers as editors propose the creation of a series of books derived from contemporary research around the objects of study, theoretical approaches and methodological strategies for understanding how meaning is constructed in various social and cultural phenomena, such as communication, media, art, advertising, ecology, ancestral cosmovisions, among others.
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica