International Symposium – Augmented Images. New Challenges in the Era of Big Data Algorithms and Digital Environments
International Symposium
University of Liège
October 6-7, 2022
Place du XX Août 7
Augmented Images.
New Challenges in the Era of Big Data Algorithms and Digital Environments
Org. Maria Giulia Dondero (FNRS/ULiège) and Enzo D’Armenio (FNRS/ULiège)
With the collaboration of Ralph Dekoninck (UCL) and Thierry Lenain (ULB)
The current digital revolution is enhancing the social and scientific relevance of images by extending their capacities thanks to the recent advances in computer science methods.
The wide availability of image corpora, usually associated with notions such as “media visualization,” “big image data,” or “big visual data” (Manovich 2015; 2017; Klinke 2017; Dondero 2017, 2019) qualifies computer vision analysis as a new field of cultural investigation whose applications promise the renewal of art history models (Drucker 2013) and video analytics (Kuhn 2018), as well as a new approach to social life through the analysis of images produced daily by citizens using portable devices (Manovich 2017; Rogers2021; Hand 2020; D’Armenio & Dondero 2021a; D’Armenio 2019).
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