1ª Scuola Estiva di Metodologia Semiotica Paolo Fabbri
1ª Scuola Estiva di Metodologia Semiotica Paolo Fabbri
Una settimana di lezioni, seminari, conferenze rivolte a studenti, dottorandi e giovani ricercatori.
Retoriche in edicola: il discorso giornalistico
11>15 Luglio 2022 Convento San Carlo / Palazzo Sales ERICE, TRAPANI
Dear colleagues
Please find attached the poster of the Summer School of Semiotic Methodologies “Paolo Fabbri” of the Sicilian Semiotic Circle.
The School is addressed to PhD students, postgraduate students and researchers. The first edition, “Rhetorics on the newsstand: the journalistic discourse”, will be held in Erice (TP), Italy, from 11th to 15th July 2022.
The aim of the gatherings is to provide semiotic tools to critically read the current challenges of journalism. Each day will be enlivened by collective press reviews, methodological courses, analysis workshops and conferences of professionals from the world of information.
In order to encourage the widest participation, thanks to the partnership with the Antonio Pasqualino Museum, the School will offer 10 scholarships to cover accommodation costs. Those who will not benefit from the scholarship will find information on affordable accommodation on our website. Please note that places are limited.
For more information, please visit https://www.circolosemiologicosiciliano.it/scuola-estiva/
Thank you for your interest and cooperation in spreading the word.
Kind regards,
Alice Giannitrapani for The Sicilian Semiological Circle
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica