16th World Congress of the IASS-AIS
16th World Congress of the IASS-AIS
The theme of the 16th World Congress of the IASS-AIS will be ‘Signs and Realities’, reflecting the fundamentals of signs and communication study. Sign and reality are usually, but not always, taken to be mediated by the role of cognizing and knowing agents. The sign as an object may be positioned within the framework of a static classification or a dynamic analysis. Seen through the lens of observational and descriptive properties, reality may become a synonym for the world. When inferred with reference to multiple meanings, it can include possible worlds. Considered, however, as an object of cosmological studies, reality could also be seen as composed of various kinds of geospheres, where the cultural semiosphere and the noosphere appear in the neighbourhood of the natural biosphere, along with the lithosphere and hydrosphere as parts of planet Earth.
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica