Call for Papers – Congrès AISV/IAVS Bogota. Visual Semiotics & Agency.
13th Conference of the IAVS-AISV
Visual Semiotics & Agency / Sémiotique visuelle et agentivité / Semiótica visual & agencia
September 28-30, 2023, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá (Colombia)
In their seminal work, Traité du signe visuel (1992), Groupe μ asks the fundamental question whether visuality as such is a Hjelmslevean form, that is, whether it is pertinent to the nature of meaning conveyed. Once you abandon the autonomy postulate of structuralism, taking into account the psychology and phenomenology of perception, as suggested by Sonesson already in 1989, and now more widely accepted within cognitive semiotics, it becomes obvious that all phenomena offered to (human) perception by way of the visual sense must share numerous properties, in spite of differing in other respects. Whether or not this human kind of visuality also shares properties with visually conveyed experience of other animals is a further issue for investigation.
We invite those researchers focused on visual semiotics to participate, as well as those versed in socio-semiotics, or in philosophy, psychology, social sciences, and cognitive action, who are interested in sharing their research, discoveries, and findings pertaining to the relationship between agency (in its broadest sense) and visual semiotics. Although we welcome contributions about the semiotics of pictures as always, we would like to see a new emphasis on other kinds of visual semiosis, and on agency in all the senses of the term, applied not only to the act of creating visual artefacts but also to its interpretation.
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica