International Conference – Peoples and Cultures of the World. 2nd Edition.
Peoples and Cultures of the World 2nd Edition
International Conference
June 30th and July 1st 2022
University of Palermo, Italy
Department of Cultures and Societies
Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement
Building 15 (Edificio 15), Viale delle Scienze, Palermo
Aula Multimediale, 7th Floor
In person and online (Microsoft Teams platform)
The first edition of the International Conference “Peoples and Cultures of the World”, organized in 2019, was an important opportunity to focus on conceptual definitions and critical aspects concerning identity formations. In this second edition, we want to deepen our previous reflection and consider new topics. For example, is it still possible today to speak of cultures that are somehow homogeneous and spatially circumscribed? Or, instead, is it more appropriate to overturn these assumptions and overall deconstruct the concepts of culture and space? How is it possible to study various cultural dynamics in a world where Identity and Otherness are not only organized in terms of generalized proximity or distance, but also according to overlapping global and local forms? To this respect, what is the position of social scientists regarding individual, subjective and processual experiences? To what extent do “subjective” or “objective” approaches contribute to the result of the research and to the formalization of the process?
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica