Call for Papers – Semiotics of Unpredictability

Semiotics of Unpredictability

International Seminar to Celebrate Yuri Lotman´s Centennial (1922-2022)

October 26, 27 and 28, 2022

Presential and Online Conference

The Semiotic Space of Audiovisual Culture Research Group (ECA-USP) invites the academic community to participate in “Semiotics of Unpredictability. International Seminar to Celebrate Yuri Lotman´s Centennial (1922-2022)”. The event will be held presentially and digitally using the structure of the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo in October 2022.

Semiotics of unpredictability constitutes a study proposal in the field of Semiotics of culture that aims to examine the works of Yuri Lotman dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of culture in its dynamic processes of generating new meanings, new messages, new information.

For the submission of communication proposals, we ask you to send an expanded abstract with up to 1.500 words, with key words and 7 titles of bibliographic references, on the application form until 01th of April 2022.

More information here

Fédération Romane de Sémiotique
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica