IMACTIS Research Seminar. Images Today: Archives, Identities, and Algorithms
IMACTIS Research Seminar. Images Today: Archives, Identities, and Algorithms
Enzo D’Armenio (MSCA-IF/Université de Liège) and Maria Giulia Dondero (FNRS/Université de Liège) Orgs.
Images are today at the center of multiple social tensions, as a consequence of the adoption of digital coding (Manovich 2001, Bachimont 2010), of the massive diffusion of social networks (Light & Moody 2020), and of the algorithmic management to which they are subject (Finn 2017, Cardon 2015). The IMACTIS seminar intends to propose a multidisciplinary investigation of what images are and do today, putting the semiotic approach into dialogue with art history, with media and visual studies, and, more generally, with the disciplines concerned with the epistemology of visual documents.
Next meeting: 18 janvier 2022 — 15h. Ruggero Eugeni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano) Le visage filtré. La réalité augmentée et la nouvelle économie politique de la lumière et Philippe Marion (Université Catholique de Louvain). Titre à venir.
Salle de l’Horloge, Université de Liège, Place du XX-Aôut. Video conference link: https://bit.ly/3oOTwXV
Romance Federation of Semiotics
Federazione Romanza di Semiotica
Federação Românica de Semiótica